Gardening Plants & Flowers Trees

How to Grow and Care for Cinnamon Plant

Cinnamon tree trunk with light brown and green colored bark closeup

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

If you've ever handled a cinnamon stick, you've had a peek at the dried bark of a cinnamon plant (Cinnamomum spp.). Cinnamon plants have glossy foliage and small flowers. The bark and leaves are aromatic due to oils. The inner bark of various species is used to make cinnamon spice. Cinnamon species generally have a slow to moderate growth rate and can be planted in the spring or early fall. If you have a warmer climate, plenty of light, and rich soil, it's fairly simple to grow and harvest your own cinnamon.

Common Names Cinnamon, cassia
Botanical Names Cinnamomum spp.
Family Lauraceae
Plant Type Tree, shrub
Mature Size 3 to 60 ft. tall, 2 to 20 ft. wide (depends on variety)
Sun Exposure Full, partial
Soil Type Loamy, well-drained
Soil pH Acidic to neutral (6.2–7.2)
Bloom Time Summer
Flower Color White, yellow
Hardiness Zones 10–12 (USDA)
Native Area Asia

Cinnamon Plant Care

Cinnamon is a tropical plant, so if you garden in a warm climate, USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12, you can grow cinnamon plants outdoors. Most gardeners start with young nursery plants rather than seeds. Here are the main care requirements.

  • Choose a location that provides enough room for the mature size of the species.
  • Plant where it will receive enough sunlight and not be shaded by larger trees and shrubs.
  • Use a rich soil amended with compost.
  • Water deeply, being careful not to let the soil completely dry out.
  • Fertilize often while the plant is getting established and then on every Spring.
Cinnamon tree trunk and branches with light brown and green bark surrounded by bright green leaves

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

Cinnamon tree branches with bright green leaves clustered in sunlight

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

Cinnamon shrub branch with bright green and oval-shaped leaves

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

Cinnamomum verum

Natali22206 / Getty Images

Cinnamon bark

DavorLovincic / Getty Images


Full sun, meaning at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight on most days, is best for cinnamon plants. However, they will benefit from some afternoon shade in very hot and dry weather.


Cinnamon plants prefer a rich, well-draining soil. A sandy loam will work well. Cinnamon plants don't do well in waterlogged soils, and thus heavy clay or hardpan soils are not a recipe for success. If your garden soil is not suitable for growing cinnamon, grow it in containers to provide the type of well-drained, sandy loam soil l it needs.


These species like the regular rainfall they receive in the tropics, so you should try to replicate this with irrigation when rain is scarce. Do not let the soil dry out completely. Water whenever the top two inches of soil have dried out, and use mulch to keep the roots cool and maintain soil moisture.

Temperature and Humidity

Cinnamon plants love a warm and humid climate. In their native habitat, temperatures that average 80 degrees Fahrenheit promote healthy growth. They don't do well when temperatures fall below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or in very dry conditions.

If you garden in a cold climate north of the plant's cold hardiness zone, you can grow cinnamon in containers in a greenhouse or keep the container outdoors during the summer months and overwinter it indoors as a houseplant.


Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the planting hole to get your cinnamon plant started. Then, fertilize every spring, following label instructions.

Types of Cinnamon Plant

There are many species of cinnamon including these varieties:

  • Cinnamomum verum: This is often referred to as true cinnamon or Ceylon cinnamon, and it's known for its superior flavor.
  • Cinnamomum cassia: A cinnamon plan that's commonly known as Chinese cassia, it's the most common type of cinnamon sold in North America.
  • Cinnamomum loureirii: This variety is known as Saigon cinnamon or Vietnamese cinnamon. This species has a strong flavor and aroma and comes at a premium price.


Cinnamon plants don't don't require regular pruning. But you should prune off any dead, damaged, or diseased branches to prevent them from affecting the overall health of the plant.

Fun Fact

Cinnamon species can vary significantly in appearance, with some being tall trees and others growing as smaller shrubs. For species that can grow to large trees, cultivators often cut them back to a stump around two years old. This technique results in it growing more like a bush over time.


You can harvest your cinnamon two to three years after planting and then every two years after that. Cut off individual branches, or cut the entire tree at the trunk. (Trees growing in the ground often produce new shoots that will become a new tree.) Scrape away the outer bark until you see the yellowish-orange layer beneath, which reveals the edible part of the plant. Peel strips of this cinnamon layer with a sharp knife or paint scraper, stopping when you see the lighter core.

Let the pieces dry indoors in a single layer for about a week. They will curl into the typical shape you see in cinnamon sticks. Then, you can grind them or leave them in stick form. Store your cinnamon in a sealed container in a cool, dry place, and it should keep for a couple of years.

Propagating Cinnamon Plant

You can propagate new cinnamon plants from stem cuttings in the spring or early fall.

  1. Take a cutting roughly six inches long, and strip off the lower half of the leaves.
  2. Plant the cutting in moist potting mix, and keep it warm, ideally on a sunny windowsill.
  3. Watch the cuttings for slow-forming roots. This may take several months.
  4. Transplant outdoors in a pre-dug hole large enough to accommodate the root ball and backfilled with topsoil.

How to Grow Cinnamon Plant From Seed

Birds relish the fruits of cinnamon plants. But if you're able to save some, you can start new plants from seed.

  1. Clean off the berry pulp from the seeds, and dry them thoroughly.
  2. Plant the seeds while they're fresh, as they lose viability quickly.
  3. Plant them about an inch deep in pots filled with a sterile seed-starting mix.
  4. Keep them moist and warm at around 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Watch for germination. This should occur in about three weeks.
  6. Transplant to a larger container or to your garden once established.

Potting and Repotting Cinnamon Plants

Gardeners north of cinnamon's cold hardiness zones often grow their plants in containers and keep them indoors or in a greenhouse during cold weather. Cinnamon species generally don't reach their full size in containers, but they can still yield their fragrant cinnamon bark after a few years.

Start with a large container that's at least 18 inches across and 20 inches deep to give your cinnamon plant room to grow and mature. The container also should have ample drainage holes. Use a loose, well-draining potting mix, and water whenever the top inch of soil dries out. Bring the plant outdoors during the summer to give its growth a boost in the sunlight. Indoors, a south-facing window is ideal. Mist your plant to boost humidity as needed. And fertilize during the growing season (spring to fall) with a liquid fertilizer, following label instructions.


If you live in a cooler region, you can cultivate this plant in a greenhouse, indoors, or in your large container that can be moved inside during the winter season when temperatures may drop below 32°F. In case you are unable to relocate your plants inside, make sure to cover them when the temperature drops below freezing.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Fungal diseases can affect cinnamon plants growing under stress in excessively wet or shady conditions. Many of the insect pests that impact cinnamon plants, such as the cinnamon butterfly and cinnamon gall mite, are not present outside of the tropics. Leafminers can also affect cinnamon plants and cause leaf drop, and mealybugs can cause foliage damage. Apply an organic insecticide if the infestation is severe.

Common Problems with Cinnamon Plants

Cinnamon is fairly simple to grow but there are some problems that can come up over time.

Leaves are Turning Yellow

If you notice the foliage turning yellow and leaves beginning to drop, you may be giving the plant too much water. It can also look like the overall structure of your plant is shriveling. If growing outdoors, you want to water generously and not let the soil dry out completely, but note of rainfall patterns and the irrigation the plant may already be getting and make any necessary adjustments.

Brown Specks are on Leaves

Brown speckling on the foliage is a sign of disease, namely leaf spot. This is caused by a fungus and will spread into irregular patches and, eventually, eat away at the leaves. The plant can recover if you remove the affected parts promptly and apply a fungicide. To prevent it from reoccurring, spray with neem oil frequently.

  • How long can a cinnamon plant live?

    Whether grown as a tree or cropped to a shrub, this plant has a fairly long lifespan of approximately ten years.

  • What is the best place to plant cinnamon?

    If indoors, place your cinnamon plant near a sunny window. If outdoors, choose a spot where the sun won't be blocked by larger trees or structures.

  • Does a cinnamon tree smell?

    While the foliage isn't very fragrant, the trunk of the tree smells like cinnamon. It's the bark that is harvested and consumed.

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  1. Cinnamon. Pennsylvania State University Extension Office.

  2. Cinnamomum verum. North Carolina State University Extension.