Miranda: Tidal Heating Responsible for Current Appearance of Uranus’ Icy Moon

Sep 20, 2014 by News Staff

Brown University planetary scientists in a new study have found that tidal heating is the main reason responsible for the present appearance of Miranda – a small, icy moon of Uranus.

Southern hemisphere of Miranda; projection is orthographic, centered on the south pole; visible from left to right are Elsinore, Inverness, and Arden coronae. Image credit: NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Ted Stryk.

Southern hemisphere of Miranda; projection is orthographic, centered on the south pole; visible from left to right are Elsinore, Inverness, and Arden coronae. Image credit: NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Ted Stryk.

With a radius of 235.8 km, Miranda is the smallest and innermost of Uranus’s five major moons.

Despite its relatively small size, the icy moon appears to have experienced an episode of intense resurfacing that resulted in the formation of at least three unique polygonal-shaped regions called coronae.

These surface features, named Arden, Elsinore and Inverness, are visible in Miranda’s southern hemisphere, and each one is at least 200 km across.

Arden corona is the largest one. It has ridges and troughs with up to 2 km of relief.

Elsinore corona has an outer belt that is about 80 km wide and elevated above the surrounding terrain by 100 m.

Inverness corona has a trapezoidal shape with a large, bright chevron at its center.

Using numerical models, Dr Noah Hammond and Dr Amy Barr of the Brown University’s Department of Geological Sciences show that convection in Miranda’s ice mantle likely formed the coronae.

“During convection, warm buoyant ice rose toward the surface, driving concentric surface extension beneath the locations of the coronae, causing the formation of extensional tectonic faults,” they explained.

The internal energy that powered convection probably came from tidal heating.

“Tidal heating would have occurred when Miranda was in an eccentric orbit – moving closer to and further from Uranus. This caused the tidal forces from the gas giant to vary, periodically stretching and squeezing Miranda and generating heat in its ice shell.”

“Convection powered by tidal heating explains the locations of the coronae, the deformation patterns within the coronae, and the estimated heat flow during corona formation.”

The findings appear online in the journal Geology.


Noah P. Hammond & Amy C. Barr. Global resurfacing of Uranus’s moon Miranda by convection. Geology, published online September 15, 2014; doi: 10.1130/G36124.1

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