Tawny Pipit

Scientific name : Anthus campestris
Other names: Български: Полска бъбрица , Brezhoneg: Sidan-krineg , Català: Trobat (ocell) , Česky: Linduška úhorní , Dansk: Markpiber , Deutsch: Brachpieper , Esperanto: Sablopipio , Español: Bisbita campestre , Eesti: Nõmmekiur , Basque: Landa-txirta , Suomi: Nummikirvinen , Français: Pipit rousseline , Magyar: Parlagi pityer , Italiano: Calandro , Lietuviškai: Dirvoninis kalviukas , Latviešu: Stepes čipste , Nederlands: Duinpieper , Norsk: Markpiplerke , Polski: Świergotek polny , Português: Petinha-dos-campos , Русский: Полевой конёк , Svenska: Fältpiplärka , Türkçe: Kır incir kuşu

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Short Description

This type of bird displays a bold bright stripe above the eye that ends above the ear covering. Its narrow lore stripe, cheek stripe and very small chin stripe are blackish in color. Its throat is white.


Tawny Pipit
Tawny Pipit
Tawny Pipit
Tawny Pipit


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