Richard Stallman, Saint IGNUcius, Church of Emacs and what he has to say.

Richard Stallman, Saint IGNUcius, Church of Emacs and what he has to say.

When Richard Stallman called himself Saint IGNUcius of the Church of Emacs he did so with a smile. He showed off a very fine and subtle sense of humour and seemed to be enjoying every ounce of it. When somebody from the audience asked a provocative question, in a very short time, the Saint was in a furious passion, and went stamping about, and shouting: 'Shut his mouth'. Literally. 

I attended Richard Stallman's talk at ImpactHub Zurich two weeks ago. Yes, he did take off his shoes and he put on his halo and saints dress. If you can look over a healthy dose of craziness, what he said, however, made somewhat sense.

Read on on my personal blog

Flurin Capaul

Solving business challenges with technology. Since 1998.


I wanted to attend... but after he was already 30 minutes late I decided I had better things to do and left. But I'm sure it was a great talk ;)


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