Meadow pipit

Anthus pratensis

The meadow pipit is a small passerine bird which breeds in much of the northern half of Europe and also northwestern Asia, from southeastern Greenland and Iceland east to just east of the Ural Mountains in Russia, and south to central France and Romania; there is also an isolated population in the Caucasus Mountains.
Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis) One very fine day last July, I came across some Linnets and what I first thought were Skylarks, having seen a few of the latter fairly nearby earlier that same day.

In the end, one look at the footage (below) had me revising my thinking, when what I got instead, and I was not disappointed in any way, was these rather attractive Meadow Pipits            Anthus pratensis,Geotagged,Meadow pipit,Summer,United Kingdom


This is a widespread and often abundant small pipit, 14.5–15 cm long and 15–22 g weight. It is an undistinguished looking species on the ground, mainly brown above and buff below, with darker streaking on most of its plumage; the tail is brown, with narrow white side edges.

It has a thin bill and pale pinkish-yellow legs; the hind claw is notably long, longer than the rest of the hind toe. The call is a weak "tsi-tsi". The simple repetitive song is given in a short song flight.

Birds breeding in Ireland and western Scotland are slightly darker coloured than those in other areas, and are often distinguished as the subspecies "Anthus pratensis whistleri", though it intergrades clinally with nominate "Anthus pratensis pratensis" found in the rest of the species' range.
Meadow pipit - Anthus pratensis Fresh autumn plumage. Animalia,Anthus pratensis,Austria,Aves,Bird,Burgenland,Chordata,Europe,Fall,Geotagged,Meadow pipit,Motacillidae,Passeriformes,Passerine,Wildlife


The generic name 'pipit', first documented by Thomas Pennant in 1768, is onomatopoeic, from the call note of this species. In colloquial use by birders in the UK the name meadow pipit is often abbreviated to "mippit". Old folk names, no longer used, include "chit lark", "peet lark", "tit lark" and "titling"; these refer to its small size and superficial similarity to a lark.
Meadow pipit - Anthus pratensis Spotted at Ognyanovo Dam near Sofia. Hardly visible on the ground. Distant and too overexposed photo - huge crop and heavy postprocessing. Similar to Tree pipit (Anthus trivalis), but more heavily streaked. Animal,Animalia,Anthus pratensis,Aves,Bird,Bulgaria,Chordata,Europe,Geotagged,Meadow pipit,Motacillidae,Nature,Ognyanovo dam,Passeriformes,Passerine,Sofia,Spring,Wildlife


The estimated total population is 12 million pairs. It is an abundant species in the north of its range, and generally the commonest breeding bird in most of upland Britain, but less common further south. Breeding densities range from 80 pairs per square kilometre in northern Scandinavia, to 5–20 pairs per square kilometre in grassland in the south of the breeding range, and just one pair per square kilometre in arable farmland. There are a small number of isolated breeding records from south of the main range, in the mountains of Spain, Italy, and the northern Balkans.
Meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis) Reykjavik, Iceland. Sep 13th, 2018 Anthus pratensis,Geotagged,Iceland,Meadow pipit,Summer


It is primarily a species of open habitats, either uncultivated or low-intensity agriculture, such as pasture, bogs, and moorland, but also occurs in low numbers in arable croplands. In winter, it also uses saltmarshes and sometimes open woodlands. It is a fairly terrestrial pipit, always feeding on the ground, but will use elevated perches such as shrubs, fence lines or electricity wires as vantage points to watch for predators.
Meadow Pipit - Anthus pratensis Blanc-Nez, France (July, 2016)  Anthus pratensis,France,Geotagged,Meadow pipit,Summer


The nest is on the ground hidden in dense vegetation, with 2–7 eggs; the eggs hatch after 11–15 days, with the chicks fledging 10–14 days after hatching. Two broods are commonly raised each year. This species is one of the most important nest hosts of the cuckoo, and it is also an important prey species for merlins and hen harriers.
Meadow pipit - Anthus pratensis Uitkerkse Polders.  Anthus pratensis,Belgium,Geotagged,Meadow pipit,Spring


The food is primarily insects and other invertebrates, mostly small items less than 5 mm long. It also eats the seeds of grasses, sedges, rushes and heather, and crowberry berries, mainly in winter.
Meadow Pippit on Torridonian Sandstone with Ramalina siliquosa Pippit sitting in the rain on torridonian sandstone with wonderful aged Sea Ivory lichen Anthus pratensis,Handa Island,Meadow pipit,Ramalina siliquosa,Scotland,Sea Ivory,Sutherland


It is migratory over most of its range, wintering in southern Europe, north Africa and southwestern Asia, but is resident in Ireland, Great Britain, and neighbouring areas of western Europe. However, even here, many birds move to the coast or lowlands in winter.


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Status: Least concern
SpeciesA. pratensis