Ruddy Shelduck

Tadorna ferruginea (Pallas, 1764)

male (right), female (left)


In Siberia, breeds in steppes including mountain steppes, and in forest-steppe. Vagrant more north, up to tundra.


Common breeding migrant. Inhabits steppe and desert near fresh and salty lakes, ponds and small non-permanent watering holes as well as rocky mountains near lakes, usually not well forested up to 3000 m in Tien Shan and 2000 m on Altai. During migration occurs mostly on lakes; also visits cereal and stubble fields. Appears in March in the south and in April in more northern areas. Migrates in pairs or small flocks, up to ten birds. Breeds in separate pairs, often not far apart. Sometimes nests as far as 10 km away from water and small chicks need to march back to the water. Both parents escort them, many perish or fall victim to predators. Nest is built underground in holes of mammals (generally fox, corsac, marmot or wolf) or under stones in cliffs, and in holes of Asiatic Poplar or rarely in old haycocks. Clutches of 7-17, more often of 9-12 eggs in early April – mid-May. Only female incubates, male stands guard nearby. Juveniles hatch in mid-May – end June. Both parents care for juveniles, until ready to fly by mid-July – first 10 days of August. Sometimes in July several broods hook up; 8 adults with 30 young, and 10 with 60 offspring recorded. Before migration, very often feed on stubble fields. In autumn migrate in flocks of 50 and more birds, mostly in September, latest records end October – late November.


В.К.Рябицев. "Птицы Сибири". Москва-Екатеринбург, Изд-во "Кабинетный ученый", 2014