Gala Darling Wants You To Love Yourself

Sharp Home Europe
For Life Journal
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2016


By Alex Moss

For a long time Gala Darling was crippled by self-loathing. But then she discovered radical self love and she now wants to empower others to turn their lives around the way she has. It’s not about being okay with yourself, it’s about knowing you are spectacular. For Life caught up with Gala to find out what it’s all about.

How do you define radical self love?

Everyone’s definition of radical self love is unique, and it can change from day to day. But the goal is to change the conversations we have with ourselves, and to treat ourselves like we are our own best friend.

Is the key point that to be truly happy in life you have to like who you are?

Absolutely. If you don’t appreciate who you are, it doesn’t matter what you achieve or obtain in life, it will add up to nothing. You can’t feel any lasting joy until you learn to get comfortable with yourself.

You’ve tapped into something that many people are reluctant to discuss because they don’t understand it, does talking about it make all the difference?

I think it helps everyone when we admit to our problems and express our vulnerability. No one is perfect and strong all the time, and no one’s life is perfect either. When we see people we admire talking about their struggles with self-love, forgiveness and acceptance, it helps us realise that this is a process. Radical self love is a daily practice!

Part of what makes you unique is you’ve experienced dark days but have come out of it stronger, is that something you want to pass onto others?

Of course! So many of us think depression or an eating disorder is a life sentence, and it doesn’t have to be. All you need to change your life is the right tools and a willingness to change.

What sparked your desire to help others in a similar position?

I discovered an alternative healing technique called tapping — essentially acupressure combined with positive psychology — and it completely changed my life. When I started using it, I got hooked, and started using it to clear all my limiting beliefs, fears and anxieties. Life without the lens of depression over my eyes is incredible, and I believe that when we discover things that have helped us, it’s our responsibility to share that information with others.

Part of finding your own happiness is not comparing your life to others. Do you think that’s something things like social media and celebrity culture make increasingly difficult?

Yes, definitely, but it’s up to us as to how much we let those things influence us. If you notice that there are accounts on Instagram that make you feel bad, unfollow them! If you find yourself striving for a “celebrity lifestyle” and it’s making you anxious or self-loathing, change the channel. Focus on making your life feel good, rather than thinking about how it looks to others.

Is finding your own happiness about readjusting your thinking about life?

Yes. Finding happiness is about being grateful for who you are and what you have, and making that a daily habit. It’s about treating yourself with kindness. And it’s about pushing through the obstacles, so you can be the absolute best version of yourself.

You’ve just published a book, what does the rest of 2016 hold in store for you?

Lots of travelling, lots of speaking, a new weekly show on Hay House Radio, and lots of adventures.

What are your top five tips for finding happiness?

1. Practice gratitude every single day.

2. Write down the compliments that you receive and refer to them regularly.

3. Stop associating with toxic people.

4. Give up reading gossip blogs and tabloids.

5. Don’t take life too seriously!

You can follow Gala on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Periscope and Bloglovin. You can also order her amazing book Radical Self-Love: A Guide to Loving Yourself and Living Your Dreams.



Sharp Home Europe
For Life Journal

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