Yellow-legged Gull - Larus michahellis

(last update: October 08 2013)

Delfín González
Gabriel Martín
Antonio Gutierrez
Amir Ben Dov
Mars Muusse

Yellow-legged Gull michahellis 2CY-3CY ISTN 2005-2006, Switzerland. Picture: Stephane Aubry.

Visit Stephane's Pbase site.

Ringed as pullus on May 17 2004 at Isola di Bergeggi (Imperia et Savona), Italy.

below: michahellis 2CY ISTN September 05 2005, Hauterive, Switzerland. Picture: Stephane Aubry.

Complete moult: P1-P9 new, no old primaries left. Complete moult in coverts and tertials finished, gap in central GC closed. It is commonly seen that, while the outer primaries are replaced in the complete moult, a subsequent "partial autumn moult" will replace feathers in upper tertails and several inner wing-coverts in late summer and early autumn, which explains the fresher grey adult-like coverts seen in 2nd winter birds. This partial moult started in this bird, note missing upper tertials and complete row of MC, and compare to image below in March 2006.

below: michahellis 3CY ISTN March 15 2006, Hauterive, Switzerland. Picture: Stephane Aubry.

Yellow legs but old 2nd gen primaries without mirror on P10.

below: michahellis 3CY ISTN October 25 2006, Chablais de Cudrefin, Switzerland. Picture: Stephane Aubry.

Half a year later and after the complete moult in the summer months, remiges and rectrices are now 3rd gen.

below: michahellis 3CY ISTN October 30 2006, Chablais de Cudrefin, Switzerland. Picture: Stephane Aubry.

Note small mirror on P10. This will be the plumage for 3rd winter.